If you are a homeowner and going on a vacation for more than a couple days, you have to plan for things like how to handle mail deliveries, tending to pets, watering plants, who has access to the property, safety, and maintenance of the home itself. Top SEVEN tips!

1) Mail Deliveries – Visit the nearest USPS and place a mail hold, which will prevent from overflowing mailbox. (https://www.usps.com/manage/hold-mail.htm)

2) Tending to pets – Pet hostel or leave with friends/neighbors/relatives

3) Watering Plants – Mostly, potted plants can be handled using timed water schedulers and drip/soaker hose.

4) Water Heater – For tanked water heaters, set up the dial to PILOT mode. The best option is to turn off gas to the water heaters provided you know how to turn on the pilot and the heater upon your return from vacation.

5) SMART Devices – Should you have lights that can be controlled by an APP, set them up to turn ON and OFF at certain times.

6) VACATION Watch – Register with your city’s police department (PD), which will activate a police officer to visit the property once a day.
(E.g.: https://www.flower-mound.com/547/Vacation-Watch)

7) FRIEND/NEIGHBOR – Inform your neighbor about your plans, maybe give a key to them and provide the contact number to reach you.

The above things could be combined with your home security monitoring systems and will allow you to enjoy your vacation.
If you are in the market to buy or sell, contact Poogle (972)4087402, an experienced and knowledgeable REALTOR(R).

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